İzmir Tınaztepe University Private Buca Hospital
İzmir Tınaztepe University Private Buca Hospital, was established with 8 floors, 11 thousand 872 square meters, 3 CVS (Cardiovascular Surgery), 6 Coronary, 12 General, 14 Incubator-Neonatal Intensive Care Beds, 76 routine patient beds, 6 Operating Rooms and 11 observation beds in a total of 111 beds in İzmir, Buca. It provides service in 28 different branches. It provides healthcare services as a private hospital contracted with private insurances and Social Security Institution (SSI). Private Tınaztepe Hospital is certified with Joint Commission International (JCI) accreditation and offers healthcare service with high quality and international standards. With our hardworking and experienced team (JCI Accreditation), we aim to provide contemporary, effective, efficient and ethical principles in line with the International Quality Standards and Health Quality Standards published by the Ministry of Health, and to continuously improve the healthcare service we offer by applying an effective quality management system.