• Psychology


Tınaztepe Health Group Psychology Unit provides globally competitive, reliable and qualified service with experienced expert staff to protect the health of our patients, examine, analyze, diagnose and treat existing diseases.

In the most general definition of psychology, it can be said as the science that examines behaviors and mental processes scientifically. In other words, it is a field of study that examines behavior and the processes underlying it scientifically. Although there is no problem with the definition of the term psychology in our society; there is a serious lack of identification of people working in this field. In our country, people use psychologists or psychiatrists in the same sense when they define the people who deal with mental problems. But these two terms are very different. In fact, the two professions whose education fields are very different are confused. Definition of a psychiatrist; It is used for physicians who have graduated from medical school and then have worked as a psychiatry specialist for 4 years. Generally, he is a mental health expert who can diagnose and treat mental problems and write psychiatric medications. The definition of a psychologist is used for people who have graduated from the psychology department of any of the faculties of science and literature of various universities with the title of “psychologist”. There are job descriptions such as applying tests and scales to help diagnose psychiatric patients (intelligence, personality, attention, perception tests), conducting neuropsychological assessments, and providing counseling services to people according to their wishes. 
In the most general definition of psychology can be said as the science that examines behaviors and mental processes scientifically. In other words, it is a field of study that examines behavior and the processes underlying it scientifically. Although there is no problem with the definition of the term psychology in our society; there is a serious lack of identification of people working in this field. In our country, people use psychologists or psychiatrists in the same sense when they define the people who deal with mental problems. But these two terms are very different. In fact, the two professions whose education fields are very different are confused. Definition of a psychiatrist; It is used for physicians who have graduated from medical school and then have worked as a psychiatry specialist for 4 years. Generally, he is a mental health expert who can diagnose and treat mental problems and write psychiatric medications. The definition of a psychologist is used for people who have graduated from the psychology department of any of the faculties of science and literature of various universities with the title of “psychologist”. There are job descriptions such as applying tests and scales to help diagnose psychiatric patients (intelligence, personality, attention, perception tests), conducting neuropsychological assessments, and providing counseling services to people according to their wishes. When does one need counseling? What does counseling include? The following article was written to create answers to such questions. 
“Nothing is good or bad. Our thoughts determine it. ” (Shakespeare)
Based on this promise, the results of our experiences; does not relate to what the other person tells us or does; we can conclude that it is related to what we understand from it, how we interpret it, and how we react to people. 
Restructuring thought is independent of our perceptions; merely evaluating, separating the past from today and not reacting to yesterday; to distinguish the emotions from each other by establishing a cause-effect relationship; In order to make inferences, to react like adults, to live life as an adult, to be aware of ourselves and what we feel, to see our mistakes, not to repeat the mistakes, to learn to communicate, people need to get help from an expert point of view with an objective point of view. Because when we read a book closely, the letters become confused, as well as not being able to read the article, the person has trouble reading and interpreting himself if he looks closely at himself. An objective eye, which allows you to look at yourself from the outside, is an element that improves the quality of life. 
People take on different roles in social life and try to fulfill this requirement. This situation sometimes results in thinking that it is unsuccessful and continues to misunderstand that social recession is sometimes successful. Striving to fulfill the needs of our roles; in fact, it is like trying to wear a small body to a large body or a small body to a large body. Either way, it won't stop. That's why; we need to take steps to determine and strengthen our stance in life. We can only do this by being aware of ourselves and being able to look at ourselves from the outside. 
With birth, a message for all of us begins to bombard. Even if these messages are of different degrees, they will hurt us. The most traumatic experience of every child is that everyone is physically older than him, that is, he lives in the world of giants. As the child tries to confront the fact that everyone is physically older than him, he is also exposed to these giants' directives on what he must know and do. And, this reveals a universal destiny and an inevitable truth. It is the fact that every child is even more distressed with birth and this is inevitable.
This process causes the child to get the message “I am not good or I am inadequate”. And, the child starts to make decisions. These decisions include millions of decisions that can be adapted to any situation. And, it creates today’s “self-being”. These decisions that govern our lives which we can not do without, that we feel bad, stuck when we do not, that we take with us wherever we go, cause us to experience repetitive scenarios. The process which is in these decisions take shape begins around the age of two, drafts are prepared at the age of 7 and become available in life with all the finishing touches at the age of 12. It does not important who we married or whoever we choose in our life, what happens to us or what happens is directly related to how we make these decisions. E.g; as a child, someone who has been exposed to the message “you are not to be loved, to be desired” (verbal or non-verbal), and who has taken the decision “I am an unwelcome and unloved ken as a child will be closer to anyone who does not like himself and feels undesirable. If this is a woman, she will marry a man who makes her feel it, and she will probably spend her whole life complaining about it. Of course, this is an example. It is necessary to examine the decisions and to look at where and how they are taken.
In counseling, these are restructured, and the decisions we have taken as a child are also evaluated from our present adult state. In addition to these, we can obtain more healthy information about the problems that we cannot cope with in daily life, personality conflicts, social hesitation, thoughts that we cannot get out of our minds, obesity, adolescence problems and family conflicts, family education, and child development; we recommend that you go to the counselor in order to be able to truly become an individual and to train healthy individuals. Remember that, you can't do another well without you, so first; then others ...

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