Anesthesia and Reanimation
Tınaztepe Health Group Anesthesia and Reanimation Unit provides an effective, reliable and high quality service at world standards in order to protect the health of our patients and to examine, investigate, diagnose and treat their diseases with modern technological devices.
Anesthesiology; is a branch of science that prepares the patient for surgery beforehand, keeps the vital organs of the patient such as heart, lung, liver, brain and kidneys under control, prevents the organism from being damaged and prevents pain during and after the operation.
Reanimation is a branch of science giving intensive care service to bring back to life the patients whose vital functions are severely impaired due to accident, poisoning, chronic disease etc.
What are anesthesia methods?
Methods of anesthesia are; general anesthesia, spinal anesthesia, epidural anesthesia, nerve block anesthesia and local anesthesia. The anesthesia method to be selected is determined according to the general health status of the patient, the presence of concomitant diseases, and the location of surgery. For example, if a knee surgery is to be performed to a patient with lung disease who is inconvenient to receive general anesthesia, this can be done with spinal or epidural anesthesia that numbs below waist.
What is general anesthesia?
General anesthesia is the anesthesia method in which consciousness is lost with the help of drugs and the whole body is under the influence of anesthesia.
What is Spinal and Epidural Anesthesia?
In recent years, they have become quite common anesthesia methods. Many operations can be done with these methods in general surgery, gynecology, orthopedics and urology clinics.
Epidural anesthesia also provides postoperative pain control.
Gynecological operations such as cesarean, painless birth can be performed with epidural anesthesia and analgesia.
In these methods, the patient is conscious.
How to choose anesthesia method?
The anesthesia method is determined by the anesthesiologist considering the general condition of the patient, the diseases, the location of surgery and the preference of the patient. After the preoperative anesthesia method is determined, the patient is informed.