• Pulmonary Diseases

Pulmonary Diseases

Tınaztepe Health Group Pulmonary Diseases Department provides globally competitive, reliable and qualified service with experienced expert staff to protect the health of our patients, examine, analyze, diagnose and treat existing diseases.

In the Pulmonary Diseases Clinic of our hospital, services are provided for the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of all lung diseases. Pulmonary function tests and medicated pulmonary function tests (reversibility) are performed for the diagnosis and evaluation of shortness of breath caused by the lung. Skin allergy tests (respiratory and food allergens) are valuable in the diagnosis of allergic diseases and vaccination (immunotherapy) is performed in appropriate patients.

Diseases We Treat and Diagnose in our Department

    • Asthma
• Bronchiolitis
• Pneumonia
• Tuberculosis
• Lung and Pleural Malignancies
• Interstitial Lung Diseases
• Pulmonary Thromboembolism
• Respiratory Failure (Non-Invasive and Invasive Mechanical Ventilation)
• Preoperative Evaluation
• Postoperative Pulmonary Complications
• Smoking Cessation Counseling

• Breathing Exercises
In our endoscopy unit, bronchoscopy (endoscopic examination of the airways), which allows early and definitive diagnosis of some lung diseases, especially lung cancer, is performed. This procedure is performed with a Pentax brand fiberoptic bronchoscope in our endoscopy unit of İzmir Tınaztepe Hospital.

In our department, polyclinic service is provided for the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of all lung diseases. Pulmonary function tests and medicated pulmonary function tests (reversibility) and skin allergy tests (respiratory and food allergens), which are valuable in the diagnosis of allergic diseases, are performed for the diagnosis and evaluation of shortness of breath caused by the lung.

Pulmonary Diseases Department Diagnostic Tools:

Respiratory Function Laboratory
     • Spirometer
• Six Minute Walking Test
• Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
• Allergy tests (skin and blood allergy test panels)
• Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy (under general anesthesia)

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