• General Surgery

General Surgery

Tınaztepe Health Group Surgery Unit provides globally competitive, reliable and qualified service with experienced expert staff to protect the health of our patients, and to examine, analyze, diagnose and treat existing diseases.
General Surgery is a technical discipline that affects many branches of surgery in terms of their development and includes general principles (wound healing, metabolic and endocrine response to injury) as well as surgical treatment of systemic and local problems in the body.
Tınaztepe Hospital Surgery Unit manages and treats the patients' diseases with other branches.

Procedures Performed in Our General Surgery Clinic:
Laparoscopic Surgery
   • Morbid obesity operations such as Laparoscopic Gastric Band, Laparoscopic Gastric by-pass and Sleeve Gastroectomy
• Laparoscopic inguinal hernia, postop hernia, umbilical hernia operations
• Laparoscopic hiatus hernia operations
• Laparoscopic splenectomy (spleen) operations
•Laparoscopic adrenalectomy (adrenal gland) operations
• Laparoscopic colon cancer surgery is performed.

Gallbladder surgery with Single-incision (single hole) SKS method

Hemorrhoids Surgery
    • Laser method
• Painless and comfortable hemorrhoid operations are performed with the Longo stapler method.
    • Anal fissure (crack) and anal fistula operations and complicated anal fistula operations are performed.

Morbidity (Overweight) Operations
    • morbid obesity operations such as Laparoscopic Gastric Band, Laparoscopic Gastric by-pass and sleeve gastroectomy

Endocrine System Operations
    • Thyroid diseases and patients with goiter
• Thyroid cancer and neck dissection
• Parathyroid gland diseases
• Adrenalectomy operations

Gastrointestinal System Operations
     • Stomach cancer
• Pancreatic cancer
• Gallbladder cancer
• Large bowel cancer
• Esophageal surgery
• Many cancer operations, such as rectal cancer, can be performed with open and closed (laparoscopic) methods.

Breast Cancer Operations
    • Aesthetic plastic corrections can be made at the same time while the patient is getting rid of breast cancer by oncoplastic surgical methods. Patients do not lose their breasts completely due to breast cancer, and in breasts with extremely large (macromastia) equalization to the other breast can be made.
    • In breast cancer, armpit surgery is performed with the sentinel node technique so that patients are protected from arm edema (swelling of the arm).

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