Causes and Treatment of Shoulder Pain

Causes and Treatment of Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is one of the common joint pains. In women, patients with diabetes and thyroid are more prone. It is common in housewives who do overhead activities such as painting work (wiping windows, wearing curtains, etc.). In addition, it is also seen in those who are engaged in sports such as basketball, volleyball and weightlifting.

Pain is usually in the form of night pain. It spreads from the shoulder to the outside of the arm. It is mixed with neck pain (40%). The pain increases with the movement of the arm, lying on the shoulder. The person becomes increasingly difficult in daily activities such as washing his face, combing his hair and dressing. With the gradual decrease in hand and arm functions, functional loss causes a decrease in quality and comfort of life. If left untreated, frozen shoulder syndrome may develop.

Shoulder pain is mainly caused by the joint's own structures such as the shoulder joint capsule, muscle, and tendon. It may begin as a sudden and severe pain or with a slow course. Generally, sudden onset pain occurs due to traumatic reasons. It originates from muscles and tendons and is more common in young people. Slow onset pain develops due to degenerative, overuse and inflammation.

The origin of the pain can be determined with a detailed history and examination. The diagnosis is finalized with examinations when necessary. After the diagnosis is made, the daily life activities of the person are arranged in a way to prevent injury.

Rest, drug therapy, joint injections, electrotherapy methods used in physical therapy, and cold and hot applications provide pain control depending on the severity of the pain, its duration, loss of function. Range of motion is gained with exercise programs. Muscles are strengthened and treated.

Treatment in the early stages is easy, short and pleasant. In delayed and chronic cases, treatment is more difficult and takes longer. If the frozen shoulder has developed, the treatment is further extended. Surgical intervention may be required. For this reason, it is important to apply to a physician at an early stage.

Dr. Filiz GENGÖR

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Specialist

Tınaztepe Galen Hospital

Bayraklı / İZMİR