Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yaşar Özkul

Departments Neurology
Locations İzmir Tınaztepe University Private Buca Hospital Tınaztepe Buca Medical Center




Medical Faculty

Dicle University


Neurology Specialty

Cumhuriyet University


Academic Member

Harran University



Date of Being Assistant Professor: 01.03.1995         

Date of Being Associate Professor: 18.04.2003                          

Date of Being Professor : 18.11.2008

Administrative Duties

Head of Department, Department of Neurology, Harran University, 01.03.1995 - 15.02.2012

Head of Department, Şifa University Department of Neurology, 01.03.2012 - 22.07.2016 

Postgraduate and Doctoral Dissertations Administered

Postgraduate Dissertations

Doctoral Dissertations

Autonomic dysfunction in patients with migraine (Dr. Senay Bozlar)

SEP - VEP habituation disorders in tension headaches (Dr. Ayla Üçkardeş)

Changes in sympathetic skin responses in paroxysmal diseases (Dr. Halil Ay)

The effect of new generation antiepileptics on cognitive functions and P300 latency (Dr.Yener Tümay)

Investigation of diagnostic values of median planter and peroneal dorsal cutaneous nerve electrophysiological changes in polyneuropathies (Dr.Yaşar Altun)

Electrophysiological effects of new generation antiepileptics (Dr. Kazım Ekmekçi)

Psychiatric evaluations in patients with sleep apnea syndrome (Dr. Yusuf Ehi)7.     

Publications :

Articles published in international refereed journals (SCI & SSCI & Arts and Humanities)

Altun Y,  Demirkol A, Tumay Y,  Ekmekci K, Unsal I, Koyluoglu A, Ozkul Y. The medial plantar and medial peroneal cutaneous nerve conduction studies for diabetic polyneuropathy. Source: NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES Volume: 32, 849-54 (2011)

Ozkul, Y. Influence of calcium channel blocker drugs in neuromuscular transmission
Source:CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY   Volume: 118   Issue: 9   Pages: 2005-2008  Published: SEP (2007)

Ozkul, Y and Ay H. Habituation of sympathetic skin response in migraine and tension type headache Source:AUTONOMIC NEUROSCIENCE-BASIC & CLINICAL   Volume: 134 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 81-84   Published: JUL 31 (2007)

Verit FFOguz HOzkul YBozkurt O. Long-term effects of tibolone on ocular functions in postmenopausal women. ARCH GYNECOL OBSTET  Volume: 275 Issue: 4 Pages: 255-261 Published: APR (2007)

Yazgan P, Ozturk A, Saban S, Ozkul Y. Bilateral femur supracondylar fractures with a seizure in an osteomalacia case due to carbamazepine, Injury Extra, 38, 223-227 (2007)

Oguz, H; Verit, A; Ozkul, Y, et al. No effects of long-term sildenafil treatment on ocular functions Source:ANNALS OF OPHTHALMOLOGY   Volume: 37   Issue: 2   Pages: 85-90 Published: SUM (2005)

Ozkul, Y. and S. Bozlar, "Effects of Fluoxetine on Habituation of Pattern Reversal Visually Evoked Potentials in Migraine Prophylaxis," Headache, 42, 582-587 (2002).

Ozkul, Y., T. Sabuncu, Y. Kocabey, Y. Nazligul, "Outcomes of Carpal Tunnel Release in Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Patients," Acta Neurol. Scand, 106, 168-172 (2002).

Ozkul, Y. and A. Uckardes, "Median Nerve Somatosensory Evoked Potentials in Migraine," Eur. J. Neurol, 9, 227-232 (2002).

Iscan A., Y. Ozkul, D. Unal D, et al. "Abnormalities in Even-Related Potential and Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response in Children with Nocturnal Enuresis," Brain & Development. 24, 681-687 (2002).

Gürler, B., Y. Ozkul, M. Bitiren, S. Karadede, T. Gurkan. "A Study on the Toxicity of Intravitreal Levofloxacin in Rabbits," Curr. Eye Res, 24, 253-262 (2002).

Ozkul, Y., B. Gurler, A. Uckardes, S. Bozlar, "Visual Functions in Epilepsy Patients on Valproate Monotherapy," J. Clin. Neurosci, 9, 247-250 (2002).

Ozkul, Y., B. Gurler, S. Bozlar, A. Uckardes, S. Karadede, "Flash Visual Evoked Potentials and Electroretinograms in Migraine," Neuro-Ophthalmology, 25, 143-150 (2001).

Ozkul, Y., T. Sabuncu, P. Yazgan, Y. Nazligul, "Local Insulin Injection Improves Median Nerve Regeneration in NIDDM Patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome," Eur. J. Neurol, 8, 329-334 (2001).

Gürler, B., Y. Ozkul, M. Bitiren, A. Satici, H. Oguz, S. Karadede, "Experimental Intravitreal Application of Trovafloxacin in Rabbits," Ophthalmic Res., 33, 228-236 (2001).

-       Articles Published in Other International Refereed Journals

-       Papers Presented in International Scientific Meetings and Published in Proceedings

Ozturk A., P. Yazgan, Y. Ozkul, E. Ozturk, O. Sirmatel, S.Z. Ziylan, "Sonographic Assessment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome," XXVIII.Neuroradiology Congress, 11-14 Sep 2003.

      -    International Books or Book Chapters Written

      -    Articles published in national refereed journals

Yazgan P, Şimşek Z, Orhan İ, Beachy L, Özkul Y. The Reliability and Cross-Cultured Adaptation of the Boston Questionnaire; in Turkish Illiterate Patients, Turk J. Rheumatol, 24, 10-16 (2009).

Tatlı, M.M., İ. Şan, M.S. Gürel, Y. Özkul, "Phenotypic Features of Waardenburg Syndrome Type I: A Case Report," Ann. Med. Sci, 11, 25-27 (2002).

Özkul, Y. ve İ. Şan, "Kronik Gerilim Baş Ağrısı Tedavisinde Fluoksetin ve Alprazolamm Karşılaştırılması," Nöropsikiyatrı Arşivi, 38, 50-54 (2001).

Darçın O.T., Y. Özkul, S. Ganidağlı, L. Baktıroğlu. "Spinal Anestezi Uygulanan Varis Olgularında Hiperbarik Bupivakain ve Prilokainin Postoperatif Motor Fonksiyonlara Etkisi," F.Ü.Sağlık Bilim. Der., 15, 443-447 (2001).

Özkul, Y. and M. Katı, "The Effect of Major Depression on Event-Related Potentials in Epileptic Patients," Epilepsi, 6, 99-103 (2000).

Özkul, Y. and İ. Şan, "Migraine-Related Vertigo and Complete Loss of Caloric Responsiveness," Ann. Med. Sci, 9, 125-127 (2000).

Özkul, Y., A. Akyüz, K. Topalkara, Ş. Dener, S. Topaktaş, "Migren ve Migren ile Epilepsi Birlikteliği: Bir Prevalans Çalışması," Türk Nöroloji Dergisi, 1, 37-41 (1999).

Özkul, Y., Ö. Erel, A. Akyüz, "Aurasız Migrende Nitrik Oksit ve Serotonin," C. Ü. Tıp. Fak. Dergisi, 20, 111-114 (1998).

Tütüncüoğlu, S., S. Erermiş, M. Aydın, Y. Özkul, A.H. Erciyes, "Serebral Felçli Olguların Değerlendirilmesi," MN Klinik Bilimler, 1, 28-32 (1995).

Papers presented at national scientific meetings and published in proceedings

Şan, İ., Y. Özkul, Ş.A. Düzgün, R. Keleş, "Bipolar ve Monopolar Korerizasyonun Rat Siyatik Sinirinde Oluşturduğu Elektrofizyolojik Değişiklikler: Ön Çalışma," 26.Türk Otolaringoloji ve Baş-Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi, Antalya, 22-26 Eylül 2001.

Oğuz, H., İ. Şan, Y. Özkul, T. Sabuncu, "Retinopatisi Olan ve Olmayan Tip 2 Diabetes Mellituslu Olgularda Liminer ve Supraliminer İşitsel Fonksiyonların Değerlendirilmesi: Ön Çalışma" XXXIV. Ulusal Oftalmoloji Kongresi, Antalya, 30 Eylül -4 Ekim 2000.

Other Publications


Effectiveness of neurofeedback in attention deficit. Harran University, Department of Neurology 2011.


Please fill the table below for the undergraduate and graduate courses you have given in the last two years.

Academic Year


Course Name

Weekly Course Hours

Number of the students





  Medic. Fac. 3.Grade Neurology



















Medic. Fac. 3.Grade Neurology




Medic. Fac. 3.Grade Neurology





Medic. Fac. 3.Grade Neurology











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