1990 Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Izmir (Undergraduate)
1995 İzmir Atatürk Training and Research Hospital Anesthesiology and Reanimation, İzmir (Specialization Training)
Professional Experiences
1991-1995 İzmir Atatürk Training and Research Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Assistant doctor
1995-1998 İzmir Atatürk Training and Research Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Specialist
1998-2010 İzmir Atatürk Training and Research Hospital Anesthesiology and Reanimation Clinic, Assistant Clinical Chief
2010-2020 İzmir Atatürk Training and Research Hospital Anesthesiology and Reanimation Clinic, Clinical Training Assistant
2008-2020 İzmir Atatürk Training and Research Hospital Anesthesiology and Reanimation Clinic, Intensive Care Minor Training Assistant
2020-present İzmir Tınaztepe University Health Vocational School Head of Anesthesia Department
2020-present İzmir Tınaztepe Galen Hospital, İzmir Tınaztepe Buca Hospital, Anesthesia and Intensive Care
- Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals:
- A1. Ayvat P., D. Arslan Yurtlu, U. Özgürbüz, F. Güntürkün, K. Katırcıoğlu, M. Kızılkaya, “ Does preoperative anxiety decrease with BATHE method? A prospective randomized study.” Noro Psikiyatr Ars, 57, 141-147 (2020)
- A2. Kavrut Öztürk N., K. Katırcıoğlu, M. Özkalkanlı, N. Aygün, S. Savacı, “ QTc interval during Desflurane anesthesia:The effects of intravenous lidocaine prior to intubation.” Türkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci, 30, 1299-304 (2010)
- A3. Katircioglu K., O. Aydin, MY. Ozkalkanli ve S. Savaci, " Cranial subdural haematoma: A rare complication of spinal anaesthesia." Eur J Anaesthesiol, 26, 793-795 (2009).
- A4. Ozkalkanli MY., DT. Ozkalkanli, K. Katircioglu, ve S. Savaci, "Comparison of tools for nutrition assessment and screening for predicting the development of complications in orthopedic surgery." Nutr Clin Pract, 24, 274-280 (2009).
- A5. Hafizoglu MC., K. Katircioglu, MY. Ozkalkanli ve S. Savaci, "Bupivacaine infusion above or below the fascia for postoperative pain treatment after abdominal hysterectomy." Anesth Analg, 107, 2068-2072 (2008).
- A6. Katircioglu K., L. Hasegeli, HF. Ibrahimhakkioglu, B. Ulusoy ve H. Damar, "A retrospective review of 34,109 epidural anesthetics for obstetric and gynecologic procedures at a single private hospital in Turkey." Anesth Analg, 107, 1742-1745 (2008).
- A7. Guryay D., GT. Karaege, K. Katircioglu, M. Ozkalkanli, U. Ozgurbuz ve S. Savaci, "The effects of an epidural infusion of ropivacaine versus saline on sensory block after spinal anesthesia." Reg Anesth Pain Med, 33, 217-221 (2008).
- A8. Ozkalkanli MY., K. Katircioglu, VE. Duzenli, I. Unal ve S. Savaci, "Brachial plexus block for the child with Kartagener's syndrome." Pediatr Anesth, 18, 677-679 (2008).
- A9. Katircioglu K., NK. Ozturk, MY. Ozkalkanli ve S. Savaci. "Anesthetic management in a child with Diamond-Blackfan anemia." Pediatr Anesth, 18, 574-575 (2008).
- A10.Katircioglu K., MY. Ozkalkanli, H. Kalfaoglu, S. Sannav, U. Ozgurbuz ve S. Savaci, "Reversal of prilocaine epidural anesthesia using epidural saline or ringer's lactate washout." Reg Anesth Pain Med, 32, 389-392 (2007).
- A11. Ozkalkanli MY., K. Katircioglu, DT. Ozkalkanli ve S. Savaci, "Airway management of a patient with Forestier's disease." J Anesth, 20, 304-306 (2006).
- A12. Tuncali B., M. Aksun, K. Katircioglu, I. Akkol ve S. Savaci, "Intraoperative fetal heart rate monitoring during emergency neurosurgery in a parturient." J Anesth, 20, 40-43 (2006).
- A13. Yildirim H., T. Adanir, A. Atay, K. Katircioğlu ve S. Savaci, "The effects of sevoflurane, isoflurane and desflurane on QT interval of the ECG." Eur J Anaesthesiol, 21, 566-570 (2004).
- A14. Tok D., K. Katırcıoğlu, U. Özgürbüz, H. Çiftçi ve S. Savacı, "Recovery after cardiac arrest: influence of pre-arrest, arrest and post arrest factors." Acta Anaesth Italica, 32, 181-187 (2001)
- B. Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in the Proceedings:
- B1. Katırcıoğlu K., Ayvat P. “Adult Cardiac Arrest Patients Admitted to Intensive Care Unit After Successful Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: Characteristics, Clinical Outcomes and Main Predictors for Increased Mortality.” 22nd International Intensive Care Symposium İstanbul, 2019.
- B2. Ayvat P., Katırcıoğlu K. “Does chronic diseases affect mortality? A retrospective study from the anesthesia intensive care unit of a state university affiliated hospital.” 22nd International Intensive Care Symposium İstanbul, 2019.
- B3. Ayvat P., Katırcıoğlu K. “The effects of gender, diagnosis groups, mechanical ventilation, previous unit before intensive care, urgency of operation and time of hospitalization on mortality of patients in anesthesia intensive care unit.” 22nd International Intensive Care Symposium İstanbul, 2019.
- B4. Katırcıoğlu K., Öztürk Hasdemir S., Aksun M., Uyan B., Kızılkaya M, “Baclofen intoxication”, 20th Intensive Care Symposium İstanbul, 2015.
- B5. Erten H., Katırcıoğlu K., Özkalkanlı M. Y., Savacı S., “ Incidence and risk factors for ventilator-associated pneumonia in our intensive care unit “19th Intensive Care Symposium İstanbul, 2013.
- B6. Seren A. R., Sencan A., Aksun M., Katırcıoğlu K., Tanyeli H. F., Aran G., Savacı H. S., Karahan N., “ Risk factors associated with readmissions to ICU “19th Intensive Care Symposium İstanbul, 2013.
- B7. Şahin Z., Katırcıoğlu K., Özkalkanlı M. Y., Savacı S., “ Early complications of percutaneous tracheostomy using the Griggs method “19th Intensive Care Symposium İstanbul, 2013.
- B8. Karagoz I., Golboyu B. E., Katırcıoğlu K., Sencan A., Aksun M., Karahan N., “ Valproic acid overdose induced severe bone marrow depression in ICU; using of calcium folinate and L-carnitine” 19th Intensive Care Symposium İstanbul, 2013.
- B9. Tanyeli H. F., Sencan A., Katırcıoğlu K., Aksun M., Golboyu B. E., Seren A. R., Savacı H. S., Karahan N., “ Searching the risk factors of VRE for intestinal colonization “19th Intensive Care Symposium İstanbul, 2013.
- B10. Seğmen A., Katırcıoğlu K., Savacı S., Sencan A., Karahan N., Aran G., Aksun M., “ The effects of human albumin replacement on arterial blood gases“ 19th Intensive Care Symposium İstanbul, 2013.
- B11. Golboyu B. E., Karaegeterzi G. N., Katırcıoğlu K., Sencan A., Aksun M., Karagoz I., Aran G., Karahan N., “ Plazma Exchange for hypertriglyceridemic acute necrotizing pancreatitis in ICU: case report “ 19th Intensive Care Symposium İstanbul, 2013.
- B12. Unal İ., Katırcıoğlu K., Savacı S., Unal M., “ Organ involvement differences between primary abdominal and pulmonary severe sepsis and effects on mortality”, 19th Intensive Care Symposium İstanbul, 2013.
- B13. Golboyu B. E., Sencan A., Aksun M., Aran G., Katırcıoğlu K., Tanyeli H. F., Kuru V., Karahan N, “ Predictors of multidrug resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii infections in intensive care unit: retrospective analysis”, Intensive Care Symposium İstanbul, 2013.
- B14. Arıkan E., E. Avcı, M. Y. Özkalkanlı, K. Katırcıoğlu ve O. Ergene, “ Occlusion of ruptured internal iliac artery with Amplatzer vascular plug”, 18th Intensive Care Symposium İstanbul, 2011.
- B15. Katırcıoğlu K., M. Y. Özkalkanlı, S.G. Yurtsever ve S. Savacı, “ Comamonas testosteroni septisemia in intensive care unit patient”, 17th Intensive Care Symposium İstanbul, 2009.
- B16. Özkalkanlı M. Y., K. Katırcıoğlu ve S. Savacı, “ Cerebral edema in a patient with olanzapine intoxication”, 17th Intensive Care Symposium İstanbul, 2009.
- B17. Katircioglu K., M. Ozkalkanli, S.G. Yurtsever, D. Sanli, H. Erten, V. Duzenli ve S. Savaci, "Vancomycin-resistant enterococci colonisation in the ICU and control measures", 29th International Symposium on Intensive care and Emergency Medicine, Brussels, Vol. 13, S1, 127, BioMed Central, London, 2009.
- B18. Cakmak M., K. Katircioglu, MY. Ozkalkanli, S. Savaci, "Subcutaneously versus subfascially wound instillation of bupivacaine in postoperative analgesia after abdominal hysterectomy. " 14. World Congress of Anaesthesiologists, Cape-Town, 2008.
- B19. Katircioglu K., O. Aydin, MY. Ozkalkanli ve S. Savaci, "Can we trust the surgeons in the management of the postdural puncture haedache? delayed diagnosis of cranial subdural hematoma after spinal anesthesia." 14. World Congress of Anaesthesiologists, Cape-Town, 2008.
- B20. Katircioglu K., N. Ozkavrut, MY. Ozkalkanli ve S. Savaci, "Anesthetic Management of femur fracture repair in a patient with Diamond-Blackfan Anemia: Case Report." 6. International Congress Orthopaedic Anesthesia and Pain, İstanbul, 2007.
- B21. Ozkalkanli M., K. Katircioglu, V. Duzenli, Y. Onay ve S. Savaci, "Brachial plexus block for the child with Kartagener’s Syndrome: Case Report." 6. International Congress Orthopaedic Anesthesia and Pain, İstanbul, 2007.
- B22. Ozkalkanli M., Katircioglu K, Sevim O ve S. Savaci, "Anesthetic management of the patient with severe scoliosis for partial hip replacement: Case report." 6. International Congress Orthopaedic Anesthesia and Pain, İstanbul, 2007.
- B23. Ozkalkanli MY., K. Katircioglu, DT. Ozkalkanli ve S. Savaci, "Malnutrition screening in patients undergoing orthopedic operations using subjective global assessment and nutritional risk screening 2002, Preliminary results." 28th ESPEN Congress, Istanbul, 139, 2006.
- B24. Guryay D., G. Terzi, K. Katırcıoğlu, M. Ozkalkanli, U. Ozgurbuz ve S. Savaci, "Effects of immediately initiating ropivacaine infusion on unilateral spinal anaesthesia. " Euroanaesthesia 2006, Madrid, Vol 23, Supp. 37, A425, 2006.
- B25. Pekcan Y., A. Şencan, K. Katırcıoğlu, M. Aksun, ve S. Savacı, "The effects of propofol, desflurane and isoflurane on plasma glucose concentrations in patients undergoing intracranial mass operation." Euroanaesthesia 2006 Madrid, Vol 23 Supp. 37, A400, 2006.
- B26. Adanir T., T. Cosan, A. Atay, M. Aksun, K. Katircioglu ve S. Savaci, "The comparison of the effects of sevoflurane and desflurane via low flow on controlled hypotension." 13th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists, Paris, P0260, 2004.
- B27. Adanir T., M. Aksun, O. Aydın, K. Katircioglu, M. Ozkalkanli ve S. Savaci, "Survival of methanol intoxication in intensive care unit." 14th International Intensive Care Symposium, Istanbul, 43, 2003.
- B28. Katircioglu K. ve S. Gultekin, "Sequential epidural anaesthesia." 18th Annuel European Society of Regional Anaesthesia Congress, Istanbul, Vol 11, No.3, Medicom International, 1999.
D. Articles published in national peer-reviewed journals:
Memberships to Scientific Organizations
İzmir Tınaztepe University Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences Anesthesia Department Editor
Member of the board of directors of the Aegean Mediterranean Branch of the Turkish Society of Anesthesiology and Reanimation (2015-2017, treasurer)
Member of the European Society of Anesthesiology (ESA)
Member of Turkish Society of Anesthesiology and Reanimation (TARD)
Member of the French Society of Anesthesiology and Reanimation (SFAR)
İzmir Hospitals Aid and Scientific Research Encouragement Association (Member of the Board 2002-2004)
Aegean Clinics Medical Journal advisory board member